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World War II: A History of WWII (Part 2)
An examination of the major events of World War II, from the spread of fascism in Italy, the Blitzkrieg attacks, the fall of Norway, and more.
United We Stand - Musicians in Time of War
A documentary about the relation between music and war.
World War 2 - The Call of Duty: A Complete Timeline
Track the main events of World War II with the help of remarkable archive footage and see exactly what happened, and when. Learn about Pearl Harbor, The Battle of Britain, D-Day, the dropping of the atomic bomb and more. From the early battles right through to the complexities of the endgame, this extensive 24 episode series shines a spotlight on a period of history that should never be forgotten.
Netanyahu, America & the Road to War in Gaza
As the war in Gaza continues with devastating consequences, a major 90-minute documentary offers a sweeping examination of the critical moments leading up to this crisis over the course of the past three decades, and the pivotal role of a central player: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Starting with the Oslo peace accords and continuing through the Oct. 7 Hamas attack and the ongoing war in Gaza, the documentary draws on years of reporting and is an incisive look at the long history of failed peace efforts and violent conflict in the region — and the increasing tensions between Israel and its ally, the U.S., over the war’s catastrophic toll and what comes next.
Sabaton: The War to End All Wars - The Movie
Swedish heavy metal band, Sabaton, has launched “History Rocks”, a worldwide museum project. At the centre of this global charity initiative stands the band’s new animated film, “The War To End All Wars – The Movie“.
King Lear: How We Looked for Love During the War
Due to the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, tens of thousands of Ukrainians, fleeing the war, found refuge in Uzhhorod in western Ukraine. The local director decides to attract non-professional actors -displaced people - in bringing his dream into life - to stage the King Lear play. The theatrical performance helps them find themselves and their purpose in a new world where there is war, and the director finds an answer to the eternal question of what love is and why this world should not perish.
Asher Pike's THE KING'S WORLD: War Of The Void
An Original Motivational, Fantasy, SciFi, Action, Adventure and epic Arthouse Feature Film / Movie made by Asher Pike. Free to watch and Intended for audiences seeking inspiration, this film features 6 innovative Artists and their musically underrated Snthwave / Synth pop songs. All criticism, feedback and review Is welcome, I hope you are uplifted. Godspeed.
King of Cocaland UN Losing War on Drugs
Despite the UN's seeming attempts at hindering cocaine production by subsidising farmers, production is still high. Following UN employee Jochen Wiese as he tries to oversee projects designed to prevent the cultivation of cocaine in Peru.
Al Murray: Why Do The Brits Win Every War?
Al Murray and Sky HISTORY join a host of famous faces to uncover the truth behind Britain’s military past. Together with his alter ego The Pub Landlord, Al is on a quest to unpick the Great British psyche and understand whether the Brits are helped or hindered by their experiences in war. Joined by comedians and personalities from the UK and its closest neighbouring countries, Al will uncover whether Britain’s wartime record is all it’s cracked up to be and how regular harking back to Britain’s glory days is viewed by neighbours and ‘allies’.
The Most Dangerous Man in Europe: Otto Skorzeny's After War
Waffen-SS officer Otto Skorzeny (1908-75) became famous for his participation in daring military actions during World War II. In 1947 he was judged and imprisoned, but he escaped less than a year later and found a safe haven in Spain, ruled with an iron hand by General Francisco Franco. What did he do during the many years he spent there?
The War on Journalism: The Case of Julian Assange
Journalists are under attack globally for doing their jobs. Julian Assange is facing a 175 year sentence for publishing if extradited to the United States. The Trump administration has gone from denigrating journalists as 'enemies of the people' to now criminalizing common practices in journalism that have long served the public interest. WikiLeaks founder and Editor Julian Assange's extradition is being sought by the Trump administration for publishing US government documents which exposed war crimes and human rights abuses. He is being held in maximum security HMP Belmarsh in London and faces a 175 years sentence if extradited. There is a war on journalism - Julian Assange is at the centre of that war. If this precedent is set then what happens to Assange can happen to any journalist.
The Spying Game: Tales from the Cold War
During the Cold War, the superpowers mobilized thousands of spies and spotters to lift the enemy’s secrets. The three-part program The Spying Game takes a close look at this era of rising tensions between East and West.
Greatest Events of World War II in Colour
Using highly advanced colourisation techniques, critical moments from World War II, from Stalingrad to The Battle of Britain, are shown in a whole new light.
Letters for Annie: Memories from World War II
In 2007, Annie Connerton called John Lombardo in a frantic state to come visit her immediately and to bring a box of war letters dating back to the 1940's that were in John's possession. Upon arriving Annie told John she started to have vivid flashbacks after watching the movie, "Letters from Iwo Jima," that was shown during a local hospice movie event at her facility. She told John she wanted to read the letters and share the Lombardo memories with him before these flashbacks go away. This was Annie's dying wish. The legacy of Vic Lombardo, Pat Lombardo, Tony Lombardo, and John Lombardo must be told. This is the untold story of the Lombardo Family Letters.