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Search results for Good Boys

Sensationalists: The Bad Girls and Boys of British Art
Rebellious, provocative and unapologetic. The Young British Artists crashed the 90s art scene, making Tracey Emin, Damien Hirst and others household names. This is their story.
Murder of the Essex Boys: Blood and Betrayal
On 6th December 1995, Tony Tucker, Pat Tate and Craig Rolfe were notoriously murdered in a Range Rover on a quiet country lane in Essex but 26 years, two convictions and countless conspiracies later, questions remain unanswered. Why were they killed? Who wanted them dead? Were the men convicted really guilty?
The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros
The remarkable rise of one of the world’s most controversial leaders, Jair Bolsonaro, from obscurity to the presidency of Brazil.
The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros
This documentary tells of the extraordinary rise of Jair Bolsonaro, from relative obscurity to the ultimate seat of South American power. Told through intimate interviews with some of those closest to him including his eldest son Flávio, former government ministers, as well as his opponents, explore Bolsonaro’s brilliant yet ruthless journey to the presidency, with high-stakes drama, guns and God.
Sonic Underground The Movie: Battle With The Boys
When Sonic and Friends finds out that they are being hunted down by a sinister group calling themselves the boys, Sonic Underground fans from all around the world come together to fight for what's right, and t prove the Sonic Underground is the best tv show in the entire world. But will doing so cause the end of life as we know it?
Trailer Park Boys: Out of the Park: USA
The boys are back on the loose as Bubbles, Julian and Ricky head south of the Canadian border for some outrageous American adventures.
The Boys from Kingsbridge - from Grammar School to Ground Zero
Ten years after 9/11, the filmmaker shares the unique perspectives of his four lifelong friends, as they reveal, for the first time, their uplifting stories of survival, duty, and humanity as each of them dealt with being at Ground Zero on that fateful morning. A Bomb Squad detective, a fireman, an engineer for building 7, and an electrician give us a rare glimpse into the character of blue collar New Yorkers, faced with life and death situations. They reflect on how their sense of community, from growing up in an 'old school' neighborhood, influenced them and how they continue dealing with the legacy of that historic day. It's an intimate portrait of friendship and resiliency as told to their buddy, in a uniquely Bronx way.
Electronic Beats Festival Berlin 2012 - Pet Shop Boys
Electronic Beats Festival Berlin 2012 - Pet Shop Boys
1974: On the Road With The Beach Boys
In 1974, The Beach Boys were at a low ebb. Their record sales bottoming out and desperate for income, The Beach Boys hit the road. Family friend and musician Billy Hinsche conned UCLA into letting him film a documentary about the tour on grainy, black-and-white videotape with a cumbersome Camcorder for his master’s thesis. The result is a fascinating time capsule that had been buried for 37 years.
Los Lonely Boys: Texican Style (Live from Austin)
Austin-based band Los Lonely Boys are blazing on Texican Style, a 96-minute concert recorded before a huge, wildly enthusiastic audience in the Texas state capitol in March, 2004. And the brothers Garza do it with what remains rock & roll's most basic and reliable format: the rock guitar trio. True, there's nothing earth-shatteringly original going on here; guitarist Henry, like many others from Texas and everywhere else, is channeling Jimi Hendrix via Stevie Ray Vaughan, with a little Carlos Santana on the side (Jojo is the outstanding bassist, while Ringo--his real name, by the way--plays drums, of course). But Los Lonely Boys bring something else to the party: good singing (all three are capable lead and harmony vocalists), and enough other influences, from Tex-Mex to the Beatles, to forge a distinctive, melodically appealing sound.
Sadly Loved - The Making of Sad Lover Boys
After hours of working through unused footage, and close work with the original team, we are able to present this in-depth look at the making of cult classic film, Sad Lover Boys.
Mrs. Brown's Boys Live Tour: How Now Mrs. Brown Cow
It's just weeks to go to Christmas in the Brown house. The turkey is getting plucked and Grandad is getting stuffed (Or is that the other way around). Agnes is excited because her son Trevor whom she has not seen in five years has promised to pay a Christmas Visit home. However Cathy returns from her trip to America with unwelcome news, but who will tell Mammy? Rory Brown is distraught because his partner Dino has tried to drown him, Mark and Betty do their best to keep everybody calm, while nobody is sure what to do about Winnie's big box or Granddad‘s little hamster.
Trailer Park Boys: Live at the North Pole
Bubbles and the other boys get a letter from a TPB fan club president in Minneapolis, Minnesota to do a live show at the State Theatre for Christmas. Ricky goes along with it to make nice with Santa Jesus God after a rough-up the previous year, while Julian brings along Randy to sell 60/40 raffle tickets and make some money. Mr. Lahey sneaks along to spoil the boys' fun.
Backstreet Boys: In A World Like This Japan Tour 2013
This performance by the Backstreet Boys in Saitama, Japan was one of over 140 shows held around the world as part of the In a World Like This Tour celebrating the band’s 20th anniversary. It was their first tour as a quintet in seven years after Kevin Richardson rejoined the group in 2012.