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Jung (War) in the Land of the Mujaheddin
Jung is a narrative documentary that follows the human and professional adventure of its protagonists, the Afghan people in the midst of civil war.
War of the Century - When Hitler Fought Stalin
In June 1941, Hitler broke the golden rule of warfare never to fight on opposite fronts and marched into the Soviet Union. What would drive him to make the most catastrophic mistake of World War II? This acclaimed four-part series investigates what led to the largest military operation in history - and the bloodiest. Assisted by leading historians and granted unique access to Eastern film archives and to both Soviet and German participants, War of the Century is the definitive series on a war that shaped the borders and attitudes of Europe for the second half of the 20th Century.
The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century
The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century is a 1996 documentary series that aired on PBS. It chronicles World War I over eight episodes. It was narrated by Dame Judi Dench in the UK and Salome Jens in the United States. The series won two Primetime Emmy Awards: one for Jeremy Irons for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance, the other for Outstanding Informational Series. In 1997, it was given a Peabody Award.
The History of Warfare: The Spanish Civil War
This is the story of the war that changed the course of Spanish history...the struggle between the supporters and opponents of the Spanish Second Republic, which raged between 1936 and 1939. During the war, new names were written large in world history; names such as the International Brigade and the Nationalist General Franco, who lead his side to ultimate victory. Featuring fascinating archive film and location footage, plus dramatised 'eye-witness' accounts, 'The Spanish Civil War' is an intriguing account of a dark and divided period of Spanish history. With many photographic images plus interviews with surviving members of the International Brigade, the programme also features expert interpretation and analysis to provide historical and political background to the war.
Images of the World and the Inscription of War
Farocki’s intriguing and troubling film explores the processes of visual perception and how they affect our understanding of history and society. In a work reminiscent of the writings of Paul Virilio and Michel Foucault, Farocki examines a range of phenomena including aerial reconnaissance photos of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
It Was the Fourth Year of the War
A group of Russian spies are trying to gather an important information about the German forces before the attack of the Soviet Army in this action movie set during WWII.
Hattori and the War of the Little Ninja Villages
Hattori-kun received a letter from Iga's father asking him to take his friends and return home for spring break. Hattori-kun leaves for Iga with his younger brothers Shinzo, Kenichi, Yumeko-chan, and others. However, a suspicious shadow stares at the group... He is a subordinate of the scientific ninja Mechamaro, who has replaced the power of ninjutsu with the power of science. Mechamaro was plotting to confront Hattori-kun in order to prove the strength of scientific ninjas. And in order to occupy Iga no Sato, Hattori-kun sends a fake letter...
Men and War II: Land of Love and Sorrow
Second part of an epic drama of war and its effects upon human beings, follows the fortunes of the Godai family from 1935 through Japan's invasion of China. Based on the novels by Jumpei Gomikawa, who also penned The Human Condition.
What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?
A by-the-book Captain is ordered to capture a strategic village in Italy. The Italian soldiers are willing to surrender, if they can have a festival first. The lieutenant convinces the Captain this is the only way. Because of aerial reconnaissance, they must look like they are fighting. To sort this out an intelligence officer is sent in. Meanwhile the festival gets complicated with the Mayors daughter.
The War at Sea from Hawaii to Malaya
Japanese Navy air cadets train for the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the HMS Prince of Wales.
War Journal: On the Set of "The Punisher"
Produced for "The Punisher" Special Edition DVD.
Star War The Third Gathers: The Backstroke of the West
Mistranslated fandub/bootleg of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005).
World War Speed: The Drugs That Won WWII
It’s long been known that German soldiers used a methamphetamine called Pervitin during WWII. But have tales of Nazis on speed obscured the massive use of stimulants by British and American troops? Did total war unleash the world’s first pharmacological arms race? And in the face of industrial slaughter, what role did drugs play in combat? Historian James Holland is on a quest to dig deeper and unearth the truth behind 'World War Speed'.
War and Peace, From A Book We Have Not Read
Action! Explosions go off, smoke fills the set, dozens of extras start running everywhere. A young director turns his mom's backyard into the biggest and most absurd shoot indie moviemaking has ever seen.
Background of the War. The Birth of the "People's Republics"
In my opinion, the Russian Spring is being treated very unfairly by researchers and documentarians. We have excellent Vice News reports, but they did not set out to cover all the processes that took place in eastern Ukraine in the spring of the 14th year. But the origins of today's war grow from there. My film is an attempt to fill this void. To give the viewer a complete picture of the events and allow them to form their own opinion about it. This is a thorough chronicle that will allow a person who is completely unfamiliar with the topic to immerse himself in it and understand all the nuances.