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Dear Memories - A Journey with Magnum Photographer Thomas Hoepker
Thomas Hoepker is one of the most famous photographers of his lifetime. Now he is slowly losing his memory. He embarks on one last journey together with his wife, a trip they once took more than 50 years ago.
Hitlers People A Portrait of the Third Reich
How was Adolf Hitler able to count on the German public even in the face of unspeakable suffering and impending doom? Evocative and previously unseen private archive footage, much of it in colour, shows life in Nazi Germany from 1933 onwards till the end of the Nazi regime in 1945. This documentary is a revealing portrait of the German people, how they lived and perceived the world, under Hitler.
A Cold Wind To... Blow The House Down
With their relationship on the rocks, David and Emily move to Halifax to catch a break from the pandemic and their monotonous routine. Upon meeting Emily's best friend Delilah and her local friend Meg, the already shaky groundwork of their relationship starts to fracture.
The Brightest Moment: A History of One Exceptional Elementary School
This is a story of courage, vision, and love. A dedicated band of educators and parents met the challenges of poverty, desegregation, inclusion of special needs children, and high-stakes accountability. Their determination to embrace these events reshaped their lives and resulted in public education at its finest. A story for the ages.
How to Survive a Dictator...with Munya Chawawa
Comedian Munya Chawawa goes on a journey exploring the life of Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, one of the world's most notorious tyrants, looking for the man behind the monster
A Guide to Dating at the End of the World
After their first date, Alex declares she would not go out with John even if he were the last man on Earth. The next day she wakes to find he is exactly that. With everyone gone they have time to get to know each other and all is going swell until they meet Wendy, the smarter and prettier 'other woman' - and she has a plan to bring everyone back. Will Wendy come between Alex and John as she tries to save the world? Not if Alex and her trusty Epilady have anything to do with it. Sometimes all it takes is an apocalyptic catastrophe to help you find your true love.
grapevine in a lifetime presents another sky 2022
GRAPEVINE, a band that soars above the Japanese rock scene with its alternative sound-making and unparalleled live performances, also gave a spectacular performance at the FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '22 in July, and has just become a trending topic on Twitter. The latest installment of the "grapevine in a lifetime presents another sky," an album revisit (re-creation) tour "in a lifetime," which has been held twice so far, is a revisit to their 5th album "another sky" released in 2002. From this tour, the July 2 performance at Showa Women's University Hitomi Memorial Auditorium in Tokyo will be aired on Space Shower TV.
The Making of Chronicles of a Lost Star
Chronicles of a Lost Star has been a longwinded effort of two years. Follow along the story of the album's creation from start to finish with behind the scenes footage, band interviews, the recording and mastering process, and more.
Battleground Championship Wrestling: A Tribute to the Extreme
Battleground Championship Wrestling “A TRIBUTE TO THE EXTREME” is a live pro wrestling event that took place on December 17, 2022 at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, PA, USA
THIS IS MY BLACK: A Pine Forge Academy Musical
Things have drastically changed for the choir students at Pine Forge Academy, a historically Black boarding school nestled in the hills of Pennsylvania. Students return in a time when anti-blackness is rising and a deadly virus is sweeping the world.
Kanaval: A People's History of Haiti in Six Chapters
Haitian history is presented through an explosion of colour, dance and music, as the country prepares for its legendary carnival.
A Journal of Observations on Nature and Human Labor
Filling out the Naturalist Diary was the responsibility of every Soviet school kid. This meditative practice was gone with the fall of the Soviet Union. It was expected to teach school children to be attentive to human labor and the slightest changes in nature over the annual cycle. This film is a poetic reflection on how the woods of the Pskov region are seen through the eyes of the two former Soviet schoolchildren who grew into hermit foresters measuring trees, sowing new ones, and looking for treasures left in the forest 200 years ago.
Avatar: The Deep Dive - A Special Edition of 20/20
An inside look at one of the most anticipated movie sequels ever with James Cameron and cast.