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Search results for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Once Upon a Time... Devil Story
2014 making of documentary on the brain damaged 1985 French film, Devil Story (Il Etait une Fois le Diable)
Once Upon A Midnight
Out beyond the dark woods sits a lone house, the home of Nero. He's a violent man, a petty tyrant who rules with abuse and fear. For ten years, Dolly has lived in terror, growing more and more resigned each day. Her reason to cling to life is Angelia. At just ten years old, she's never known anything else. But late one night when a loud knocking at the door wakes them, everything in their lives begins to change .
Once Upon a River
After her father’s violent death, Native American teenager Margo Crane flees down Michigan’s Stark River in search of her estranged mother. On the way, she encounters allies, enemies, danger, and the beauty of nature, all while coming to grips with her past and her own identity.
Once Upon a Wedding
A week before her marriage, a woman injures a man in a car accident. As she helps nurse him back to health, she starts to doubt the course her life is taking. Her father, a powerful dictator, is not pleased with the change of plans.
Once Upon a Giant
Lester and Humphrey are the Royal Jester and Doctor, respectively, in a Kingdom terrorized by a mysterious giant whose presence is known only by his horrible voice and giant shadow. The giant takes the crown jewels which permit the Evil Prince Malokeo to convince the King to let him marry Princess Marigold. Marigold, horrified at the prospect and in love with Prince Daryl, turns to her friends Lester and Humphrey for help.
Once Upon a Scoundrel
After falling for Alicia, greedy and powerful Mexican landowner Carlos has her fiancé thrown in prison on a bogus charge. To trick Carlos into releasing her man, Alicia teams up with her Aunt Delfina and tries to convince Carlos that he's a ghost.
Once Upon a Dream
An officer's wife has a romantic dream about her husband's man (servant) and comes to believe it is true. Meanwhile the husband has asked his servant to help him, after the war, to suggest ways to ignite the romance he and his wife had before the war, as well as find a way to make money in a post-war economy.
Once Upon a Time... The Explorers
Il était une fois... les Explorateurs is a French animated TV series from 1996. Directed by Albert Barillé.
Once Upon a Time Michel Legrand
Michel Legrand, jazz musician and composer extraordinaire, has left his mark on the history of cinema, including the films of Jacques Demy, especially The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, the 60th anniversary of which is being celebrated in Cannes. Using never-before-seen archives and personal accounts, the film looks back on a lifetime dedicated to music, and the career of a man who served it masterfully to the very end.
Once Upon a Time... Happily Never After
A tragically separated couple must find each other in another life to break a spell on their town, but the arrival of two tourists threaten their chance.
Once upon a time... "I, Daniel Blake"
The documentary, filmed in England in autumn 2020, sheds light on the genesis and background of the social drama.
Once Upon a Time on Twitch
Touching and thought-provoking documentary western about a likable man who tries to live out his life's calling online as he feels outside the norms of non-digital society.
Once Upon a Time a Hero in China
The story of a cook who tries to stop an opium ring in ancient China.
Once Upon a Time... Planet Earth
Teenagers, the internationally-recognized characters of the series, will be the heroes of adventures in which they will play an active role. They will be a force for change, faced with situations and problems they need to resolve. The series will be based on facts, yet still primarily entertainment. Through their actions, they directly affect their planet and the resources that must be used responsibly and are not inexhaustible. The series will also help younger audiences to understand that pollution, hunger and water shortages are realities with specific causes – rather than inevitable evils to be dreaded, they are battles to be won with solutions to be found.
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