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The Sky Above Us
Belgrade, 1999. People go in and out of cafés, and lively conversation echoes all around. As if no one expects the NATO bombings. As if they never even started. But there is tension nonetheless, behind the eyes of people who suppress their fear at any cost. It is in this time and place that Ana, Sloba and Bojan construct their own sense of normality in order to retain their sanity. Three ways to deal with fear. One random sky above.
How to Save Us
Brian Everett's younger brother Sam goes missing on the island of Tasmania during the middle of a mysterious quarantine forcing Brian to traverse across enemy lines to save his brother from an army of ghosts.
Death Do Us Part
A couple's pre-wedding party takes a deadly turn when an unknown assailant begins killing the guests one by one.
Death Do Us Apart
It's a right of passage for a young man called Jake who has never been out in his life and his friends decide to take him on a trip of a lifetime.
Deliver Us from Evil
When a frightening wave of violence sweeps through New York City, troubled cop Sarchie fails to find a rational explanation for the bizarre crimes. However, his eyes are opened to a frightening alternate reality when renegade Jesuit priest Mendoza convinces him that demonic possession may be to blame for the gruesome murders. Together, they wage a valiant supernatural struggle to rid the city of an otherworldly evil.
Rio Belongs to Us
After receiving a strange picture postcard, Marina knows there’s nothing else to it but to return to Rio de Janeiro, the beautiful city that here seems threatening and almost enchanting.
Boys Are Us
A playfully inventive jigsaw puzzle of a movie, Boys Are Us follows heartbroken teenager Mia, whose older sister Laura persuades her to take revenge on the male sex. Their plan involves Mia seducing a boy and making him fall in love with her before cruelly discarding him, although the predatory Laura can’t help but complicate matters by toying with the boys herself. Can Mia follow through on their plan? Does she want to?
People Like Us
After flying home to L.A. for the funeral of his estranged record-producer father, a struggling man discovers that the will stipulates that he must deliver $150,000 in cash to a 30-year-old alcoholic sister he never knew existed, and her troubled 12-year-old son.
Enemies Among Us
It's not politics as usual, or is it? The governor of Louisiana is about to become the vice-presidential candidate for his party but a murder and an international web spanning from South Africa to Pakistan and North Korea might just get in the way.
Godkiller: Walk Among Us
Even in a postapocalyptic future in which Earth has been colonized by aliens, humans need hearts to live, so when an orphan boy's sister needs a new one, he'll go to just about any length to get it in this "illustrated film" from Matt Pizzolo.
The Stranger in Us
In this verité-style drama, Anthony, a newcomer to San Francisco, attempts to come to terms with his abusive ex-lover when he strikes up an unlikely friendship with a street hustler.
Tomorrow Belongs to Us
On the eve of the summer vacations, Marc (16 years old) only dreams of one thing: seduce Sonia. Tonight, he has decided to confess his love for her. But while he performs a balancing act to impress her, he is taken by a dizzy spell and is victim of a fainting spell. He is rushed to the hospital and the doctors discover that he has leukemia. A race against time begins: the disease and Sonia's love become Marc's two challenges.
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