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Search results for How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

How to Live Younger
Ever wondered about the secrets to living a long, healthy and happy life? Jacinta Parsons cuts through the wellness hype and looks at the scientific 'hacks' that can help improve our lives.
How to be gay
Margriet van der Linden made the six-part series How To Be Gay, in which she travels to countries such as Russia, Lebanon, China and England. She answers the question: what is it like to be gay there? Her journey leads to a series of special and intimate encounters with people who talk about their orientation. To what extent can they be themselves? And what must they do or not do to be accepted?
How to Stay Married
How To Stay Married goes behind the closed doors of a two-point four family who are stuck in a rut. Greg and Em have been married for 14 years, but their relationship is lacking spark. Life gets complicated when Em goes back to work for the first time since the kids were born, just as Greg is made redundant.
How to Be Yours
A story about two people who met and fell in love. Niño, a sales agent who's bent on attaining stability and Anj, a self-taught cook who dreams of working in a high-end restaurant someday.
How to Survive Myself?
Rosa is thirteen. She is sensitive, creative and has a sense of humor. But she is also good at worrying, dissatisfied with her appearance, insecure and shy. Rosa's mother wants to live together with her new boyfriend, so they move to Groningen, where Alexander lives. Rosa hates that. She must leave everything she knows and what is familiar to her behind. including her best friend Esther. She has to go to a new school where she doesn't know anyone, and live in the house of Monkeyass! Basically, she needs a lot of things she doesn't want. How will she survive this?
How to Be
A young man having an existential crisis convinces a Canadian self-help guru to come to London and become his personal life coach.
How to Become Happy
Once, on New Year's Eve, photojournalist Gosha met a strange old man who called himself an inventor. He kept his last invention in a suitcase and willingly determined with the help of this device the area and degree of giftedness of each person. Gaucher, the old man predicted the career of a clown, but he did not believe it and, contrary to the recommendations, became a journalist ...
How to Fly
A completely nonlinear collage of unconnected scenes.
The Dragon
Néstor Varzé is a karate master from the outskirts of Buenos Aires who’s obsessed with samurai history and culture. And although as luck would have it he lives in another time and far away from Japan, he considers himself an heir to those ancient warriors.
The Dragon
There is a dragon, which threatens the life of the shacked village. The attempts of lumberjacks, shepherds and hunters to get rid of the menace are without success. Their battle with the imaginary mythical monster makes them realize that their real enemies are the master Kolota and his servants. The dragon is beaten not physically but spiritually.
A sinful martial arts expert wants to start a new tranquil life, only to be hunted by a determined detective and his former master.
Upcoming film starring Pradeep Ranganathan and directed by Ashwath Marimuthu
Set in the near future, “Dragon” envisions a society radically changed as a result of discovering ancient organic lifeforms drifting through the cosmos, whose alien biochemistry has been processed to create a hugely profitable drug. The film follows Captain Mia Verse and her crew as they hunt these “dragons” in deep space, seeking to secure a comfortable future.
Directed by experimental artist Robert Darroll.
How to Become Ordinary
The story follows Jogoro Kobato, a boy with great deduction skills, and Yuki Osanai, a girl with sharp perception and strong initiative. Both yearn for an ordinary life, the former due to bitter experiences and the latter because of past failures. Alas for them, their high school seems to be a hotbed for mysterious cases and misfortune.
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