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Once Upon a Time... The Explorers
Il était une fois... les Explorateurs is a French animated TV series from 1996. Directed by Albert Barillé.
Once Upon a Time... Planet Earth
Teenagers, the internationally-recognized characters of the series, will be the heroes of adventures in which they will play an active role. They will be a force for change, faced with situations and problems they need to resolve. The series will be based on facts, yet still primarily entertainment. Through their actions, they directly affect their planet and the resources that must be used responsibly and are not inexhaustible. The series will also help younger audiences to understand that pollution, hunger and water shortages are realities with specific causes – rather than inevitable evils to be dreaded, they are battles to be won with solutions to be found.
Once Upon a Time... The Discoverers
From flashes of genius to curious experiments, humankind's innovations lead explorers and inventors on a brilliant journey of discovery in this series.
Once Upon a Time... The Americas
"Once upon a time ... the Americas" tells us the story of this vast continent, from the very first inhabitants to the present day, including the Aztecs and the Incas, the conquistadors, the war of independence or the gold Rush. Through our usual sympathetic heroes (Maestro, Pierrot, Petit Gros, le Teigneux, le Nabot, etc.), we travel from time to time, always with the aim of teaching us something.
Once Upon a Time a Hero in China
The story of a cook who tries to stop an opium ring in ancient China.
Once Upon a Time With Yuriy Norstein
Every Saturday in his studio Yuri Norshtein signs books, talks to readers and viewers. The audience has a rare opportunity to overhear what the genius of today, the famous cartoonist, is talking about in the kitchen of his studio, under a cozy yellow lampshade. Poems, folk art and the secret of the subtle matter of talent, which can be felt in the magical chime of bells ...
Walt Disney: Once Upon a Time
Talks about the iconographical sources that Walt Disney and his studio's designers drew on to create the films that are incontestably among the masterpieces of animation.
Once Upon a Time: The Super Heroes
The historical saga of American superheroes. Born in the period between the Great Depression and the World War II to combat the hobgoblins of the modern world, these mutant human beings with superhuman powers colonized the funny papers, radio dramas, television and films, to become a truly national industry in the United States: they gave expression to the fears and obsessions of the twentieth century and bolstered American ideals.
Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later
During the twenty years school reunion classmates suddenly learn that one of them - Nadezhda Kruglova - is a proud mother of ten children.
Once Upon A Time In The American Frontier
The most wanted man in America and his body guard, a treasure hunter, and a deputy sheriff's paths all cross under incredibly low odds.
Once in a Life-Time
Sean Lau has been secretly in love with comely Vivian Chan since childhood, so when she needs a paper marriage to satisfy the wishes of her sick mother, he's a pushover. This doesn't sit too well with her naturalist boyfriend, who seems to like cockroaches more than her. And now the omens are against them: the day they've chosen for marriage is the very same one that Lau's strict aunt demands for his mother's funeral. So, this comedy goes back and forth between the two venues.
once upon a time in the west ii
a collection of different shots comprised a fictionalized, but highly detailed of the america's west. where civilization meets nature in an illusion of history.
Once Within a Time
Once Within a Time is an anarchic comedy told without words, a sensory feast to be felt through art and music. This multidisciplinary work shows us life on Earth as humanity clashes with the five fundamental elements—earth, air, water, fire, and money— headed towards a critical moment of choice between annihilation and redemption.
Twice Upon a Time
Mathias, aboard a ship with his wife, sees a boy with a striking resemblance to himself and is called - Mathias. He then tracks him to a town north of France to discover that the boys parents are exactly like his parents, only to know that his life is payed over again just 30 years post. He then chooses to be the guest in his own life, while he has a life to live at hand.
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