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Search results for Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

Murder My Sweetheart: The Killing of Dolores McCrea
One freezing night in January 2004, Dolores McCrea left her home and never came back. Police later found her car, but that was where the trail ended. The investigation led to the door of estranged husband Gary.
Stations of the Cross Presented By Comunita Cenacolo
Men and women from Comunitá Cenacolo reenact Christ’s passion in this presentation of the Stations of the Cross.
The Wizards Books: A Tale of Three Sisters
An ancient Book thought to be lost for centuries has been found by a group of children who discover it at a construction site. They discover its powers through enchanted spells but terrible evil forces push them into a magical world.
The Mafia: The History of the Mob in America
Dive deep into the dark heart of the mob with this definitive 4-disc set from HISTORY. A sweeping saga of bloodshed, betrayal and big business, The Mafia offers a cold-blooded examination of organized crime in the 20th century, from prohibition to WWII and the Cold War, to JFK s presidency and John Gotti. Get the real story behind the Kennedy connection, see how organized crime infiltrated organized labor, learn how the Mob helped win WWII, and trace the exploits of legendary figures through rare photos, footage and period accounts. From bootlegging to racketeering to murder, from Al Capone and Lucky Luciano to Benjamin Bugsy Siegel, this comprehensive collector s set is a groundbreaking investigation into the origins of the ethnic gangs that turned criminal activities into family enterprises, and a detailed look at some of the mob s most notorious members.
Blood on the Land: The Making of a King
Produced for the "King Arthur" Special Edition DVD.
No Holds Barred: The Life and Art of Matthew Lanyon
Enter the world of Cornish artist, Matthew Lanyon whose extraordinary visionary talent and appetites collided with death, love and with a tragic inheritance. Muscular, tender, political; it has the quality of enchantment. Immersed in Matthew's world we discover a new geology of Cornwall. An archive led creative documentary about tenacity, legacy, love and loss. Told through the work and words of Cornish artist Matthew Lanyon (1951 – 2016), second son of Peter Lanyon the well-known ground-breaking modernist artist (1918 – 1964). In parallel to Matthew’s story is the interweaving of the current narrative of his widow and son preparing for an exhibition of his work. The film poignantly raises the question of how to manage the legacy of a powerful artist who dies unexpectedly, at the height of his powers.
The Count of Monte Cristo: The True Story
Behind the famous novel by Alexandre Dumas lies a true, dreadful story of a man who seeks to quench his thirst for vengeance. Turned in by his so-called friends, a man named Picaud is locked away for years in the Alps with a priest who ends up leaving him his fortune. Embark on Picaud's journey, and relive the true, grim story that became a world-renowned novel, inspiring countless remakes.
Gifting It: A Burning Embrace of Gift Economy
If you think Burning Man is all about naked dancers tripping on substances, think again. This debut documentary by Renea Roberts takes an intelligent and thoughtful look at how the promotion of a gift economy ethic influences a host of social elements. The focus is on community and the power of gifting.
Porn King: The Rise and Fall of Ron Jeremy
The world's biggest porn star, Ron Jeremy, is facing 34 counts of rape and sexual assault. The inside story of Jeremy's 40-year porn career, and how his alleged crimes were eventually brought to light.
From C to C: Chinese Canadian Stories of Migration
Beautifully filmed in Canada and China's Guangdong province, From C to C is a moving, cinematic tapestry of Chinese Canadian stories of migration. Contrasting the historical injustices faced by Chinese migrants to Canada and their families over the last century, are the experiences of contemporary Chinese Canadian youth who embody diverse, transnational identities across Canada today
Plymptoons - The Complete Early Works Of Bill Plympton
Featuring more than 20 acclaimed, award winning shorts plus two never-seen-before animations, PLYMPTOONS compiles the best and brightest work of the Academy Award ®-nominated animator Bill Plympton, master of the animated black comedy world.
It Is What It Is (or The Standards of Outrage)
After being Evicted from a British love-themed reality show, Kevin Best learns that his TV romance break-up has caused a simmering public outrage.
The Holy Winding Sheet - Exploring the Shroud of Turin
After meeting with five of The Shroud of Turin’s leading experts, Catholic High School Senior Parker Dow provides a contemporary look at the history and authenticity of the linen believed to be the burial cloth of Christ.