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Search results for Charlie's Angels

Shattered Angels
Kuu attends school in the city of learning, Academia. She soon finds herself locked in conflict with the Absolute Angels: a group of beautiful girls who feed on human life force to survive. Wielding god-like strength, they have the power to destroy the world itself. But are they truly demons of destruction or simply innocent girls trapped in a fate they can’t escape?
6 Angels
In 1988, Taileen falls into a deep coma, the result of a car accident that claims the lives of her parents. Twelve years later she wakes to a new world, a new body and a new life... the life of an angel of the circle. Now, at the age of twenty-four, Taileen must confront her fears and prepare for the greatest challenge of her life.
Frozen Angels
A scientific and social exploration of the future of human reproductive technology. In vitro fertilization, sperm banks' potential repercussions and the ethics of genetically engineering babies are among the issues examined.
Angels Crest
Teddy offers a co-worker a ride to work. He makes an unscheduled stop in the woods...where he has something special planned.
Papa's Angels
Arkansas furniture maker Grins Jenkins is a cheerful man and loving father to his five kids, as well as the life of every party in their small town. When his wife Sharon, who used to be the 'bad cop', slowly dies of TBC, so does Grins' sense of fun. The kids refuse to keep mourning forever, but dad practically retires from the world and turns his back, opposing them enjoying life again. Then Christmastide arrives, and son Alvin refuses to let his kid brother's dream be spoiled.
Whore Angels
Komasa works at the ‘Hot Lips’ whore house. One day she saves a red-haired woman, Monroe, from a demon that is attacking her. As a thank you, Komasa gets Monroe work at Hot Lips giving blow-jobs and it is quickly discovered that her blow-jobs have magical healing powers. Her fame spreads and soon this pink-haired sexual messiah is curing dozens of sick and handicapped men in her unique way which makes her a true Angel and very popular…
Tiny Angels
The series focuses about orphans living in a manor, known as Rincón de Luz, where they're guided by a young woman that represents a maternal figure for them.
Fallen Angels
A neo-noir anthology television series, set in somber Los Angeles right after World War II and before the election of American President John F. Kennedy. The episodes, although filmed in color, mimicked what had been done by Hollywood filmmakers during the film noir era of the 1940s and 1950s in terms of tone, look, and story content.
Tomcat Angels
Four women graduate the US Navel Top Gun academy. When 2 of them are promptly shot down on their first Gulf assignment, the other 2 and their instructors head out to rescue them.
Street Angels
Two social workers reach breaking point with the heartless welfare system which treats destitute children as criminals. Reaching out to these children means entering into the world of drain kids, pinball parlour pimps, graffiti gangs, the 14-year-old dealers and their 12-year-old customers. It's an exhausting and sometimes dangerous occupation but they care about the kids with a passion and the successes make it all worthwhile.
Evil Angels
Based on the true story of Lindy Chamberlain who, during a family camping trip to Ayers Rock in central Australia, claimed she witnessed a dingo take her baby daughter, Azaria, from their tent. Azaria's body was never found and, after investigations and two public inquests, she is charged with murder.
Fallen Angels
The Zambouley brothers are having a bad day, a bad hair-hook in hell kinda day. Weenie Cornutti, a slick, scum of the earth type gangster from way back in the day, stole a particular necklace created by one young artist who went by the name of Leonardo DaVinci, problem for our lads was, that this particular necklace had been created using some very dark mojo indeed.
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