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Search results for Green Book

Green Boy
In order to encourage his son who became paralyzed due to a traffic accident, he depicts a former boxer aiming for aiming to win.
Green Rain
Cheol, an auto mechanic, and Yeong-hui, a maid meet. Cheol lies and tells Yeong-hui that he is the son of a businessman. Cheol pretends to be the French ambassador's daughter. They meet only on rainy days.
Camberwick Green
Camberwick Green is a British children's television series, originally seen on BBC1, featuring stop-motion puppets.
Green Eyes
The owner of a large mansion in the country throws a costume party for some of his friends. However, the party turns sour when he is found stabbed to death in a closet. The police and a guest try to discover who committed the murder.
Green Hell
"Two sketchy looking friends who accidentally find a liquid in a cough syrup bottle dropped by a random individual. Trying to get all kinds of fucked up believe it would be a great idea to drink it Not much time passes before they begin to trip balls, see zombies, party again, more zombie gut munching, more weird visions, get quickly addicted to it, then kill friend's girlfriend"
Little Fox Level 01 ABC Book
Green Tourism
Today, global warming and the decrease in natural resources push us to take up the challenge of building in a more ethical and sustainable manner. How to design architectures that are both revolutionary and practical? What solutions can be put into practice to make these places comfortable and respectful of the environment? Whether professionals or private; isolated or hidden in the very heart of our urban centers… all over the world, eco-housing is constantly reinventing itself. Avant-garde, visionary, the pioneers of ecological construction innovate and share their sustainable solutions with as many people as possible. What is the challenge? To imagine new habitats with irreproachable ecological standards while preserving our precious natural resources and start a greener lifestyle. Thanks to meetings with these visionary builders, Building Tomorrow opens the doors to unique places to discover the meaning and share the secrets of the most ecological architectures in the world.
Green Bullet
Six girls participate in the boot camp for assassins. The instructor of the boot camp is the legendary hitman, Kunioka. At first, they repel each other, but the girls gradually develop friendships while enduring the hard training. By chance, the girls get involved in a life-threatening battle with a group of anarchist hitmen.
Green Summer
A kid's identity crisis and lifelong sinus problems are transformed by his relationship with a disabled boy.
Green River
There is no turning back. Whether we trust our friends, others or ourselves our decision determines the fate of the future. Green River's story deals with the agonizing truth of the actions we take in times of crisis.
Green Porno
A series of very short films inspired by the amazing and often bizarre sexual practices of insects and other creatures.
Green Paradise
Kristina, a beautiful young lady who sells fresh fruits at her province, only wants a simple life. And her father, Ronaldo, manages a large hectre of Mango farm. Every weekend, Her ambitious father wants Kristina to go to the nearest beach resort and to try to sell fresh fruits. He hopes that someday she would find a wealthy man who would take them away from hardship. When finally, Louie and his friends came to the beach resort and met Kristina. Unfortunately, Kristina is in love with someone else... Who will Kristina love? And will her father hope in life come true?
Green Hearts
Epo, Dingo and Grandpa are bicycle couriers for Copenhagen's Green Couriers. The three friends love the freedom of their jobs, but should have started careers years ago. Grandpa and Dingo are in steady relationships. Epo is a swinging single, to the jealous chagrin of his two pals. Nobody picks up the best-looking receptionists in town like Epo - before he meets Cecilie, that is. Conversely, Grandpa and Dingo have finally resolved to break out of the constricting confines of their commitments. They are turning over a new leaf, but is it really what they are after?
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