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Search results for Ralph Breaks The Internet

Abducted by My Teacher: The Elizabeth Thomas Story
The story of Elizabeth Thomas, a 15-year-old high school student who was groomed and abducted by teacher Tad Cummins.
Men with Cameras - Capture the Great Kanto Earthquake
The film is set on September 1th, 1923 , when a huge earthquake hits Tokyo . The quake caused buildings to collapse, and the city was reduced to ashes by fire. The Great Kanto Earthquake killed more than 105,000 people. 100-year-old films recording this catastrophe have been found all over the country.But who filmed the turmoil of Tokyo, chased by raging fires?After investigating, I come across three cameramen. They turned the hand-cranked camera in a trance without being ordered by anyone.
Nightclubbing: The Birth of Punk Rock in NYC
Documentary about the legendary nightclub Max's Kansas City and the New York Rock Scene of the 70s.
Analogue Revolution: How Feminist Media Changed the World
Analogue Revolution traces the rise and fall of analogue feminist communications that preceded the MeToo era. From Halifax to Vancouver, feminist storytellers of the 1970s to 90s took hold of cutting-edge media technology to document everything from violence towards women, to how to insert a diaphragm.
Bob The Drag Queen: Woke Man in a Dress
This comedy special spotlights Bob The Drag Queen's experience as a Black queer person growing up in the deep south.
Lucefece: Where there is no vision, the people will perish
Shot in film and hand processed by the director for over 20 years, Lucefece mixes personal, political and mythical views on reality exorcizing old ghosts. Stories from the director's childhood, together with conversations with his father, that fought in the colonial war in Africa and later was arrested, prepare the scenario for a profound reflexion on today's world. The film spirals like a snake travelling through time, an eternal recurrence, mixing documentary with film essay and autobiographical tones.
“Of The Sea” – A Story of Another Ocean Lover
Tells the story of yet another surf lover, who did everything to live in Hawai‘i and have a lifestyle close to the sea. Living in Hawai‘i since 1991, at some point Bruno had nowhere to live, but managed to change the situation with a lot of perseverance and incredible work.
One Foot in the Grave: 30 Years of Laughs
Celebrating the sitcom in which Victor Meldrew's constant complaining drives his wife mad.
The Giant of Es Vedra and Other Fairy Tales
Agnès is only ten years old and a great lover of reading. One fine day, she makes contact with the ghost of writer Joan Castelló Guasch, who tells her three Ibizan legends full of mystery and fantasy.
Big Night of Musicals by the National Lottery - 2023
From Hamilton to Wicked, this celebration of musical theatre is packed full of performances from the nation’s best-loved shows. Hosted by Jason Manford.