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Mystery Train: Hitchcock and The Lady Vanishes
This video essay, featuring film scholar Leonard Leff, addresses the 1938 Alfred Hitchcock film The Lady Vanishes' British context and political underpinnings and the details and techniques that undeniably make it a 'Hitchcock picture.'
Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story
Chronicles the last great American showman, filmmaker William Castle, a master of ballyhoo who became a brand name in movie horror with his outrageous audience participation gimmicks.
Who shot the bullets at Hind Allam
The events of the series revolve around journalist Hend Allam, whose husband, a famous nuclear scientist, is assassinated by a terrorist group. Hend then tries to discover the truth behind her husband’s murder, which exposes her to danger from these groups.
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
Following a childhood tragedy, Dewey Cox follows a long and winding road to music stardom. Dewey perseveres through changing musical styles, an addiction to nearly every drug known and bouts of uncontrollable rage.
The Films of Man Ray 1923-1940
Born in Philadelphia in 1890, Man Ray settled in Paris in 1921 to join in with the Dada movement. He was a radically experimental artist of genius who won immense critical acclaim for his photographic work. In the 1920s, Man Ray directed four films which, although they are little known to the general public, made him a major figure in avant-garde cinema. His film-making was as radical as his pictures and his objects. This is a collection of his works including 10 short home movies never before released.
The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn
Documentary series about Albert Kahn's photographic Archive of the Planet. For a quarter of a century, Kahn supplied a team of photographers with the world's first colour camera system and dispatched them across the globe. Their films and 72,000 photographs offer a unique insight into the formative years of the 20th Century.
More Than Anything in the World
The relationship between beautiful Emilia (Elizabeth Cervantes) and her imaginative young daughter, Alicia, is tested in this understated Mexican drama. Disoriented after moving to a new apartment and left to herself when her mother starts bringing men home, Alicia takes refuge in dreams that soon become nightmares, especially after she begins to fear that her mom has become possessed by the vampirish man next door. With a keen eye for the rhythms and struggles of contemporary Mexican family life, this film illuminates the secret worlds of lonely children while never straying from its true subject: the uncommon love between a single mother and her child.
The Long Way Home: A Bigfoot Story
This thriller, a Best Narrative Feature winner at the New York International Film Festival, takes viewers into the wilds of the Appalachian Mountains with D.J. Galloway (James "Bubba" Cromer), a down-on-his-luck journalist on the hunt for Bigfoot. Hoping a big story will come out of it to propel him back up the ladder of success, Galloway instead finds a way back to himself. So what's behind the sightings? It's a true discovery when he finds out.
Remembering Vietnam: The Wall at 25
Looking back on the creation of the Vietnam Memorial, this Emmy-nominated documentary chronicles the controversy surrounding the monument's construction and touches on the history of the polarizing war that inspired it. Fueled by the vision of Vietnam veteran Jan Scruggs and brought to life by then-fledgling designer Maya Lin, the memorial would eventually become the nation's most visited monument. But its success was a hard-fought victory.
The Postmodern Life of My Aunt
Ye Rutang (Siqin Gaowa), a single-living woman in her late fifties, struggles to maintain a dignified life amid the dangers of Shanghai.
Ol' Man River: The Mighty Mississippi
Travel from the steamy delta beyond New Orleans, upstream to headwaters in great northern swamps, and along the Mississippi's greatest tributary, the Missouri. The crew encounter a wealth of wildlife, from tropical manatees to ancient horseshoe crabs, primitive giant fish, colorful herons, industrious beavers, deadly rattlesnakes, herds of buffalo, and prairie dog colonies. Dramatic reconstructions illustrate what the river was like when the first explorers encountered it, meeting Indian tribes and witnessing new wildlife spectacles.
WWE: The Best of Raw 15th Anniversary
A collection of the greatest moments of the first 15 years of Monday Night Raw.