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Love Me Do: The Beatles '62
A tribute to The Beatles, and to the culture and the political turmoil of 1962 around the same time that they released their first single, Love Me Do.
My Family, The Holocaust and Me
Robert Rinder helps the second and third generations of families who experienced the Holocaust to retrace their relatives' footsteps and discover the full truth about what happened to their families.
The Alfred Hitchcock classics collection vol 3
5 UNFORGETTABLE FILMS FROM THE MASTER OF SUSPENSE: The legendary Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, directed some of the most thrilling and and memorable works in movie history. The Alfred Hitchcock Classics Collection features five films from the iconic director's career including Rope, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Torn Curtain, Topaz and Frenzy in stunning 4K resolution. Starring Hollywood favorites such as James Stewart, Doris Day, Paul Newman, Julie Andrews, Frederick Stafford, John Forsythe, John Finch and Barry Foster, this collection includes hours of bonus features and captures the unique vision of one of cinema's most innovative directors.
Mondo Fuzz: Twilight of the Idles
An excavation of Austin, Texas underground rock
From Bitter Earth powerfully examines the drawings and paintings that survived the concentration camps, ghettos and hiding places of the Second World War. While most of the artists who created them perished, Morrison interviews painters like Yehuda Bacon, Dinah Gottliebova and Walter Spitzer who talk about the extraordinary perseverance and ingenuity that such artists demonstrated in attempting to capture the world around them, which was often punishable by death. Upon its initial airing on the BBC in 1988, The Independent referred to Paul Morrison’s documentary as “a worthy footnote to Shoah.”
Barbie and Stacie to the Rescue
When the Roberts family heads to Wisconsin for a hot air balloon festival, Stacie finds herself caught in between – too young for the adult activities and too old to play with the littles. But when Barbie and Skipper have a mishap, Stacie has the right skills to save the day!
Harmy's Despecialized Edition: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Despecialized Edition, also known as Harmy's Despecialized Edition, is a fan-created film preservation of the original Star Wars trilogy films: Star Wars (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983). It is a high-quality replica of the out-of-print theatrical versions, created by a team of Star Wars fans with the intention of preserving the films, culturally and historically. The project was led by Petr Harmáček, then an English teacher, from Plzeň, Czech Republic under the online alias Harmy.
Backwoods 2: The Revenge of Caleb
A group of friends visit a remote cemetery in the backwoods of Virginia. After paying respects to her father's grave, Carrie and her friends get lost on the return trip. They stop at a creepy old mansion in hopes of finding directions, only to discover that the house seems empty and abandoned. While they play around and sort through some personal issues, they find that they are not alone. SOMEONE doesn't want them there. SOMEONE from the woods IS HUNTING THEM. The masked killer, known only as "CALEB",chops, hacks, and slices his way through the terrified, stranded trespassers with every farm implement he can find.
PETSCOP: The Darkest Game You Cannot Play
After stumbling upon a cryptic video game, a curious Paul uncovers more than he expected - a disturbing family secret hidden within the game.
Custodian (The Tragedy of Trav Cone)
Travis, a musician living out of his car, scores a job as a Custodian at a fancy music studio. He saves up to buy a new keyboard, starts to secretly record music during his night shifts, and works hard to keep the place clean. A rotating cast of bands come and go from the studio, and the producers who own the place slowly start to talk advantage of Travis's willingness to work.
Luka Bloom - The Man is Alive
Luka has made great connections with audiences in Australia, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland, the UK and the US throughout his career, so he personally invited his dans to come and experience and intimate gig in a Dublin venue.
Paul Laurence Dunbar: Beyond the Mask
A documentary on the life and legacy of the first African American to achieve national fame as a writer. Born to former slaves in Dayton, Ohio, Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906), is best remembered for his poem, "We Wear the Mask” and for lines from “Sympathy” that became the title of Maya Angelou’s famous autobiography “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” Dunbar’s story is also the story of the African American experience around the turn of the century. The man Abolitionist Frederick Douglass called “The most promising young colored man in America” wrote widely published essays critical of Jim Crow Laws, lynching and what was commonly called “The Negro Problem.” Yet, to earn a living, Dunbar worked as an elevator boy and wrote poems and stories utilizing “Plantation Dialect.” He also composed songs for Broadway that bordered on blackface minstrelsy.
Klitschko: The Fight of His Life
Offers viewers unprecedented access to former heavyweight boxing world champion Vitali Klitschko, along with his brother Wladimir, who together dominated the sport for more than a decade. Now the longest serving Mayor of Kyiv, this feature-length Sky Original documentary charts Vitali’s journey from the ring to political office, ultimately leading the defence of the capital when it was attacked by Russian forces in February 2022.