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The Mole Song: Undercover Agent Reiji
After receiving the lowest score ever at the police academy, a man graduates. He gets recruited by the chief and is publicly fired so he can become a mole in a gang.
Pete Holmes: Nice Try, the Devil!
In his first hour-long special on Comedy Central, comedian and podcast host (You Made It Weird) Pete Holmes perfects his signature silliness and really gets into that time Juan won one. While he may look like a youth pastor, he's as comfortable talking about religion as he is secretly hating his girlfriend's friends and being a straight man who is 100% Gay for Ryan Gosling. Trust us, this special is McDonald's.
Richard Herring - Talking Cock (The Second Coming)
It's an object of shame and pride; it can inspire laughter and fear; it's a symbol of power, yet it's incredibly fragile and weak; it can be a pound of flesh or an ounce of winkles, it can be used to express both love and hate; it creates life, it can condemn us to death... and it can do wees as well. How can one tiny flap of sponge and sinew be all these things? Though men may brag and exaggerate about their little chap, they rarely talk honestly about it or their insecurities. Whilst women celebrate their sexuality in worldwide smash The Vagina Monologues, men are twisting their genitals into the shape of hamburgers in Puppetry of the Penis. Isn't it time for the twisting to stop and the schlong celebration to begin. Isn't it time for a Vagina Monologues with balls?
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2
Batman has stopped the reign of terror that The Mutants had cast upon his city. Now an old foe wants a reunion and the government wants The Man of Steel to put a stop to Batman.
State of Mind: The Psychology of Control
Are we controlled? This film reveals that much of what we believe to be truth has been deception, implanted in our consciousness by societal forces.
A Counter-History of the Internet
Documentary about freedom defense movements on Internet.
The Sinking of Van Der Wijck
When a young man leaves home to fulfill the wishes of his late father, he meets and falls in love with a woman from a very different background.
The Pororo Movie - Porong Porong Rescue Mission
A pirate ship arrived on the peaceful Porong Porong island! Pig pirates think it' a treasure island, however as they find out there's no treasures, they decide to kidnap Pororo and his friends and sell them. Pororo and Eddy escape from the pirates by their wits, but all the other friends are caught by the pig pirates. Will Pororo and Eddy successfully save their friends from the pig pirates?
One Way Ticket to the Moon
The story of youth, friendship and love in a time when man took his first steps on the moon, the streets became saturator, transistors pulsed rock'n'roll, and the fondest dream of every fan of the domestic automotive industry was the Fiat 125p. Film trip to the sixties, colorful era "flower children", hippies and bigbitu. Year 1969. Fascinating in aviation Adam is called to the army. However, much to his own chagrin, she gets an assignment to serve in the ... Navy. In Antek, older brother, embark on the sea. During several days of traveling through Poland to visit old friends and make new friends. Antek - incorrigible womanizer and the king of nightclubs - wants to prepare a shy brother to life. However, the meeting with a beautiful and mysterious woman calls a lot of complications in the life of Adam, initiating a series of surprising events.
Fighter of the Sun Leona V
Yui Kuwana is a school teacher who fights against evil as Leona. One day, Leona finds her student nearly getting hit by a vehicle. She saves Tsuyoshi but Traffic Monster named Hazardeor appears and tries to kidnap him.
The Most Dangerous Ways to School
They climb up mountainous paths, swim across rivers or fight their way through icy wastelands with -50 degrees Celsius. Their path takes them through amazing natural landscapes, producing spectacular scenery for a very ordinary task. The participants, at times without shoes and for days at end, are mere students on their way to school.
Lost Treasures of the Silk Road
China, the “Middle Kingdom,” has long been thought to have developed independently from the West. Mighty mountains and the inhospitable Taklamakan formed insurmountable barriers. But the belief in China’s isolation has been challenged by surprising discoveries. Mummies from the Bronze Age are turning this assumption upside down and recasting the cultural relationship between east and west.
Seer the Movie 3: Heroes Alliance
In the not so distant future, a group of heroic robots known as The Seer Squad embark on an epic journey to save their sacred planet from evil space invaders.
The Woman That Created Thomas Quick
Margit Norell - the woman behind the serial killer that was not there. She was a psychotherapist at Säters psychiatric clinic and supervised the psychologists and therapists in the 1990s treatment of Thomas Quick. The treatment method, based on object relations theory, focused on the development of repressed childhood memories with psychotherapy. In the case Thomas Quick argued that abuse in childhood meant that he started murdering people in adulthood. Whereupon Quick admitted one murder after another, and finally was convicted of eight murders.
Ezra Taft Benson: The Modern Prophets
Ezra Taft Benson, Statesman, Patriot and Prophet ... Born in the farmlands of Whitney, Idaho, Ezra Taft Benson learned to love the land. The work ethic and dedication to farming Ezra gained in his youth carried him through a lifetime of service and leadership. Loyalty to God, family and country guided his thoughts and actions always. As a missionary, leader of the nation's farmers, US Cabinet member, apostle, prophet and father, he left no doubt as to his ethics and beliefs. He was an influential champion of liberty and freedom, and became the greatest advocate of the Book of Mormon in our day.