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Search results for Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Plastic Little: The Adventures of Captain Tita
Narrowly escaping the clutches of Lord Guizei and his band of professional killers, Elysse Mordish is on the run and in possession of a vital computer code needed by the military to reactivate a high-powered secret weapon. Enter Tita, intergalactic pet shop hunter and captain of the Cha Cha Maru. Through shear dumb luck she finds herself rescuing Elysse from military hunters thus putting the lives of both herself and her crew in mortal peril! It's a dangerous game of cat and mouse on a planet-wide scale with one crucial difference... mice don't shoot back, but Tita does!
Kiriko, A Woman Who Loved the Gangsters
A drama depicting the heroine who loved another yakuza man while being the wife of the group leader, in the battle of the internal conflict of the yakuza organization.
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.
A tough-as-rawhide cowpoke, debonair ladies' man and Harvard-educated smarty-britches roams from Frisco to Jalisco in pursuit of outlaws who killed his father...and in search of a mysterious orb possessing out-of-this world powers. Hot lead and cool anachronisms await Brisco as he and his sidekicks - including Comet, the intellectual equine who doesn't know he's a horse - fight for justice in the way, way, way-out West.
The Ship of Love and Torment
Hassan is accused of murder ,when he comes out of prison,his neighbor Elham secures a job for him in the place where she works. They live together a wonderful love story that ends tragically,when he kills her in the amusement park. He then marries the daughter of the owner of the company, but the truth can't stay hidden forever.
The Silent Feminists: America's First Women Directors
A documentary exploring the origins of the pioneers of women directors during the silent era.
Mercy Mission: The Rescue of Flight 771
Lost somewhere over the Pacific in a single-engine Cessna with low fuel, a pilot (Scott Bakula) awaits rescue.
The Anthropology of a Fight Scene
A man must overcome many obstacles as he works his way through the dangerous crime world to the level of yakuza.
Trouble Shooters: Trapped Beneath the Earth
A rescue team is looking for survivors in a sinking building after a devastating earthquake.
On Parole 2: Do Unto the Other
Hung is back from the previous film On Parole and ready for business.
Promise Ring-The Kashima Antlers Story
A story of dreams, efforts and passion based on the true stories of the people who supported Kashima Antlers, who won the J-League for the first time.
The 1001 Gags of Spiff & Hercules
Hercule wishes to be recognized at last as the star that he always was. He does not accept that Pif, this fleabag, can delight stardom. He decides, therefore, on an impulse, to change his life and retire to a deserted island- or the nearest thing: to relate his career and write his own film. In a paradise-like setting, Hercule recounts the biggest roles of his career. Pif isn't absent from his memories, but Hercule still considers him to be a fifth wheel... However, this, in reality, is not exactly the case.
Elements – The Best of Mike Oldfield
Elements - The Best of Mike Oldfield is a video collection by Mike Oldfield released in October 1993. It was released by Virgin Records on VHS and Laser disc. A DVD edition of the video release, including additional extras, was produced in 2004.
Last of the Giants Volume II
The Union Pacific Railroad produced its classic documentary film Last of the Giants in 1959 as a fitting tribute to the world's largest steam locomotives-the Big Boys. UP cameramen filmed the Big Boys over a three-year period, which Pentrex re-released in 1992. It ran for a total of just 23 minutes, leaving hours of unused footage that was set aside for many years.
Peter Kubelka at the Library of Congress
An historic event: Peter Kubelka gives a lecture at the Library of Congress.