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Trump @War
2016 marked a revolution in American politics when a political novice upended the entrenched political classes on both sides of the aisle, and achieved a stunning victory for the forgotten men and women of the nation. Running on a common-sense platform of America First, a revitalized economy, tax cuts, a reinvigorated foreign policy, and a promise to reestablish American sovereignty with immigration reforms, Donald Trump ignited a dormant passion in the hearts of his supporters, and won the presidency in what was arguably the most significant election campaigns in our nation’s history. Trump @War is a retelling of that story and a look forward to the high-stakes midterm election in November, which will help cement his legacy, good or bad.
War Dogs
Based on the true story of two young men, David Packouz and Efraim Diveroli, who won a $300 million contract from the Pentagon to arm America's allies in Afghanistan.
War Pigs
A rag tag unit of misfits known as the War Pigs must go behind enemy lines to exterminate Nazis by any means necessary.
Parer's War
Parer's War is the true story of World War II frontline cameraman, Damien Parer, whose work won Australia’s first Oscar. His desperate efforts to return to the battlefield to capture what he believed was the ‘truth’ of war were thwarted by his own government. Caught between two worlds, his own personal demons almost cost him the woman he loved.
Cold War
Featuring Jamie Thomas, Chris Cole, John Rattray, James Brockman, Tommy Sandoval, Dane Burman, Tony Cervantes, Ben Hatchell, Tom Karangelov, and Nick Boserio.
Beatriz's War
Beatriz’s young husband disappears during the brutal Kraras massacre by occupying Indonesian forces, sixteen years later she is troubled by his return; is this mysterious stranger her husband, an impostor, or a spirit?
War Protocols
The film is based on a unique, fundamentally new source of information about the Great Patriotic War. This is an interview with 17 thousand fighters, recorded right during the fighting. These sometimes incredible stories allow you to reveal the course of the entire war in a new way: to tell about the feelings and experiences of the fighters; about facts that contradict official history; about how war has suddenly become part of the daily lives of millions of people. The most unexpected, vivid and revealing stories from this unique archive will be voiced by popular artists. Also, the few veterans who have survived to this day will take part in the film, the protocols of conversations with which have been preserved in the archive.
Wiebo's War
WIEBO'S WAR tells the story of a Christian community, at war with the oil and gas industry. Wiebo Ludwig is a suspect in a series of pipeline bombings near his farm. The bombings echo a campaign of sabotage he waged 10 years ago: barricading roads, blowing up wells, culminating in the unsolved death of a teen aged girl. The Ludwigs live according to their religious values. They are self-sufficient in food and energy, but isolated, with seven unmarried adult children, and 38 grandchildren. They believe that those who don't share their beliefs, like filmmaker David York, are living in terrible darkness.
Our War
Series marking the ten-year anniversary of the war in Afghanistan, telling the story of the conflict through the words and pictures of the young soldiers themselves. It includes specially edited footage shot on "helmet cam" taken by the armed forces personnel while fighting in the conflict, something rarely seen on television before.
War Wolves
Jack Ford leads a special forces unit back to the United States to hunt down Jake Gabriel, a soldier who has been infected with the werewolf virus that turns man into wolf. Little does Jack know that three of the female soldiers serving in his unit have also been infected and have already transformed into she-wolves. The she-wolves' forces of evil and Ford's special op forces of good, are pitted against each other in the race to save mankind from turning into wolves.
Opium War
Two American soldiers crash their helicopter in the Afghan desert and find themselves at the mercy of the natural elements and an eclectic family of Afghan opium farmers.
The War
The story of the Second World War through the personal accounts of a handful of men and women from four American towns. The war touched the lives of every family on every street in every town in America and demonstrated that in extraordinary times, there are no ordinary lives.
Italia's War
Yaseen is a lawyer who works for senior attorney, Kamaal. When he discovers that Kamal is involved in an illegal business with a tycoon, he gets publicly disbarred and loses his job. His fiance gets abducted to Italy when he tries to redeem himself, so he relentlessly forms a plan to set things right.
Carrie's War
Carrie's War is an adaptation of a 1973 children's novel by Nina Bawden, set during the Second World War and following two evacuees, Carrie and her younger brother Nick.