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Search results for Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

Mia & Codie
Together, Mia and her “bro-bot” solve everyday preschool problems using code blocks, out-of the box thinking and gung-ho exuberance. When a challenge arises, Mia and Codie are ready to RUN THE CODE and turn the ordinary into the extraordinary!
Set against the gorgeous landscape of Armenia, Here chronicles a brief but intense relationship between an American satellite-mapping engineer (Foster) and an expatriate photographer (Azabal) who impulsively decide to travel across the remote countryside. As their trip comes to an end, the two must decide where to go from Here
Mia & Lucy
After their mother’s death, Mia returns to their childhood home to prepare it to be sold. Their sister, Amy, keeps delaying her arrival, forcing Mia to clean the property solo while they struggle to perfect a dance piece for school. Meanwhile, Mia begins to form a connection with the young real estate agent, Lucy. This story is about carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, beginning love, and the power in realizing it’s ok to not be ok.
You Can Never Go Home Again
When Izzy returns to her husband's hometown of Clinton, Mississippi, her husband is seduced by their daughter's teacher, who has devious plans to take over Izzy's place. Izzy must fight to regain her beautiful family.
On Again Off Again
Demanding careers. Family pressure. Exes. Finally, an honest portrayal of the highs and lows of modern romance in this story about the ones we can't stay with...but can't seem to let go.
When the Lights Go On Again
The hometown life of a young soldier suffering from shellshock amnesia is revealed in flashback.
Zac & Mia
"Zac and Mia", based on the novel by A.J. Betts, about 2 teens battling cancer in the same hospital. In the real world, Zac and Mia would have pretty much nothing in common, but in the hospital, where they're the only 2 teens on the ward, they develop an unbreakable bond. If cancer is the variable that changed everything, the only constant is their ever-deepening need for one another.
Bella Mia
Due to suspicion of BSE (mad cow disease), a herd of cows from a small farmstead is sentenced to be killed. The animals' revolt and try to escape. People try to hunt them down but the herd, led by Bella, manages to protect itself. Further failures of people increase their aggressiveness. The escalating battle has little in common with the original veterinary prevention. However, there are also people who try to help the cows, who desire nothing more than free life in the great outdoors, even if they are also forced to learn how to live and survive without anybody to feed them, milk them or fill them up with medicine. They learn all about hunger, cold, deprivation and pain. And the loss of loved ones...
Live Again, Die Again
After being cryogenically frozen for more than 30 years, a woman wakes to find her husband an old man and her children older than she is. Her daughter has also developed a psychotic obsession with her and may be out to kill her.