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Search results for A Madea Family Funeral

A Modern Family
The post-war everyday life of the Gashi-Hoxha family, during the 2000s Kosovo.
Ekhaya: A Family Chronicle
A Black South African lives in Toronto with his Canadian wife in 1989. His fears of being stalked by South African secret police, force him to reflect back on his life growing up under apartheid.
A Family Divided
College swimmer Chad Billingsley is his middle class family's pride and joy. After a moody phase of scared denial, he owns up to father, attorney Roger, that Rosalie Frank, the provocatively dressed waitress who attended his frat's last party and is missing since, had sex with five of them. Roger does his utmost to prevent the potential statutory rape case ruining his son's future, but confides in his moralistic wife, refuge house worker Karen, who instead of supporting the boys haunts them like Rosalie's mother Inez, with multiple tragic results.
A Flintstone Family Christmas
While the Flintstones and the Rubbles are waiting for Pebbles, Bamm-Bamm and the twins to begin the holiday festivities, they end up tring to teach a homeless boy about values.
A Family Again
A family comes to grips with their own grief after the eldest daughter is killed.
A Family Affair
To get their parents back together, two clever siblings team up with their grandpa in a series of mischievous antics.
A Revolutionary Family
At the age of 16 Zhou Lian, who lost her parents at the age of two and was raised by a stepmother, marries Jiang Mei, a progressive young man from Changsha No. 1 Normal School. Jiang Meiqing has also lost both of his parents. The couple has two sons, Liqun, Xiaoqing and daughter Xiaolian. The film follows the family through turbulent times from 1924 to 1930.
A Royal Family
A documentary series about the multi-national descendants of Denmark's King Christian IX, featuring numerous interviews with today's European royalty.
Performing Kaoru's Funeral
When a screenwriter named KAORU dies suddenly, she leaves behind a tangle of relations who are all pulled together for the final act in her life: performing her funeral. The chief mourner is her ex-husband, Jun. A failed actor, he drifts around Tokyo as a driver for callgirls. He has to clean himself up to lead the ceremony down in the small village in Okayama that KAORU came from. There, he meets a host of eccentric characters, TV people, and KAORU ’s daughter, all of whom have complicated feelings for the recently departed. As can be guessed, the funeral becomes chaotic as people quarrel and fight but the fact that KAORU was loved is not in doubt as nostalgia, bitterness, and affection for the woman come out from each mourner in comic confrontations.
My First Funeral
Being a lesbian in Korea is hard. Marriage, a happy future, or even one’s own death seem far away. So this unique woman makes an unconventional choice – she arranges her first funeral.
Paris Funeral, 1972
Rosario, an Italian transient, drifts throughout Australia seeking employment and connection. Struggling with addiction and a derelict spirit he becomes attached to two young folk musicians, with whom he embarks on an obscure journey across Europe. A search for a deceased mother soon dissolves into a dream of solace that may not exist.
Dim Sum Funeral
An Irish funeral has a wake. A Jewish funeral has sitting shiva. A traditional Chinese funeral is something else entirely. Thats what the estranged siblings of the Chinese-American Xiao family must undergo upon news of their mothers death. The one brother and three sisters dont get along, however they share one thing: hatred for their domineering and manipulative mother, the Dragon Lady."
Funeral Parade of Roses
In late 60s Tokyo, Eddie, a young drag queen, is the favourite of Gonda, the owner of the bar where she works. This relationship provokes the jealousy of Gonda's mistress, Leda, the bar's matron. Eddie and Gonda decide to get rid of her...
About the life of different generations of one big family. Timofey and Yulia are raising two children, Vadik and Olya are just preparing for the arrival of their first child, and teenager Pasha lives with his parents and begins to taste adult life. All of them face problems and experience joys that make up the life of a family.
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